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Retaining talent through engagement
Employees who don’t feel their work contributes to their organisation’s mission are 630 percent more likely to quit their jobs compared...
Setting boundaries in a hybrid workplace
As we closed on last year influenced by the ongoing pandemic, one of the words that resonated most in the workplace has been burnout....
The importance of neurodiverse leadership
According to The Office for National Statistics, currently, there are only 22 percent of people with autism in the UK in full- or...
Digital transformation is about people, not technology
Covid-19 has dramatically accelerated the technology adoption across all industries, with 77 percent of CEOs reporting that the pandemic...
Listening to the voice of the employee
In the era of Great Resignation, there is a significant gap between what employees are experiencing and what their employers think...
Rethinking culture in a hybrid workplace
70 percent of transformations fail, largely due to people- and culture-related challenges. With the significant changes on both, personal...
Why great leaders are great storytellers
Storytelling can make or break any initiative. A poor storyteller can downplay the best ideas, while a strong storyteller can present a...
Leading a highly engaged team
As a leader, you must now not only think about how to engage employees whose work tasks differ but also whose workplaces and work...
How can leaders make hybrid workplaces more inclusive?
A recent HBR survey of over 19,000 respondents found that one particular culture style differentiated the diverse and inclusive...
Addressing the post-pandemic learning and development gap
The pandemic has transformed how we work and with the majority of organisations focusing on survival over the last 18 months, training...
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