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Lessons learnt from the four-day week pilot
Earlier this year, selected organisations across the UK have been part of the four-day workweek to trial its potential for success for 6...
Creating a sense of purpose in a hybrid workplace
The Great Resignation, which some are now calling ‘The Great Reflection’ has shown that employees today expect more out of their jobs and...
The role of leaders in supporting working mothers
Research shows that maternal bias is the strongest type of gender bias built on the assumption that women become less committed to their...
Bringing age diversity into the hybrid workplace
Research suggests that generational differences are an overlooked source of diversity within organisations, as employees of different...
How the pandemic impacted leadership communication
How employees communicate, collaborate, and connect are fundamental qualities of the employee experience, but can present a challenge in...
How can leaders support the return to the office
Recent data suggests that leaders can expect a wave of job switching as England returns to “Plan A”. According to a survey of over 1000...
The connection between storytelling and trust
Leadership research shows that having a 90-day plan with milestones along the way increases a leader’s chances of success. But while...
Retaining talent through engagement
Employees who don’t feel their work contributes to their organisation’s mission are 630 percent more likely to quit their jobs compared...
Setting boundaries in a hybrid workplace
As we closed on last year influenced by the ongoing pandemic, one of the words that resonated most in the workplace has been burnout....
Listening to the voice of the employee
In the era of Great Resignation, there is a significant gap between what employees are experiencing and what their employers think...
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