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The leader’s role in tackling employee loneliness
The week of 9th of May is Mental Health Awareness week and this year’s focus in on loneliness. Research shows that loneliness affects...
Managing re-entry anxiety in the hybrid workplace
Re-entry anxiety is not an isolated issue impacting individual employees – stress is contagious and can easily spread to the wider team....
How can leaders drive improved mental health at work?
Employees don’t experience mental health challenges in isolation. Leaders play a role too – and those who support their employees see...
The cost of employee absenteeism
The negative impact of Covid-19 cost UK businesses £14bn last year, as absenteeism from work due to mental health reasons increased by...
The impact of empathetic leadership on preventing burnout
Empathetic leadership leads to stronger collaboration, less stress, and greater morale. However, many leaders struggle to make caring...
Managing work-life balance in the online world
The new era of remote work has proved that productivity and effectiveness are not defined by the number of hours we physically spend in...
How can leaders reduce pandemic fatigue in the workplace?
According to the World Health Organisation Europe, European nations are reporting increasing levels of pandemic fatigue in their...
Preventing remote employee burnout
The past few weeks have brought renewed hope, with new vaccines emerging, showing us a light at the end of the tunnel and a promise of a...
How can leaders support employees’ mental health?
10th October marked the World Mental Health Awareness day. Now more than ever, mental health is of essential importance as the pandemic...
The role of the leader in supporting employee mental health
The levels of uncertainty we are currently facing economically, personally and professionally, combined with the sudden shift to working...
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